sports, physical training, kickboxing, training, speed and strength training.Abstract
This article is devoted to the study and substantiation of optimal ways of developing speed-power abilities in the context of kickboxing. Speed and strength qualities (explosive strength) is the ability of the body to develop maximum tension in a minimally short time while maintaining the optimal amplitude of movement. The main task of speed-power loads is to effectively adapt the body to the performance of work, thereby creating prerequisites for the development of not only strength, but also speed. The peculiarity of such loads is that they effectively affect the body. The methodological basis of the training process in kickboxing is focused primarily on the specifics of this sport. Kickboxing is one of the types of martial arts, which includes the technique of punches and kicks. The methodological basis of training is system, person-oriented and activity approaches. The article analyzes modern trends in the training process, identifies problems and presents innovative methods aimed at increasing the effectiveness of training in this sports discipline. The results of the study can serve as a basis for the development of individual training programs and contribute to the achievement of high sports results in kickboxing. The relevance of the study is due to the need to improve training methods in kickboxing in order to effectively develop speed and strength abilities. The problem lies in the lack of scientific approaches and clear methodical recommendations for achieving optimal results in this sports discipline. A detailed analysis of innovative strategies and ways to improve the development of speedpower properties can make a significant contribution to increasing the effectiveness of kickboxers' training and improving their sports achievements.
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