emotion, emotional barrier, emotional memory, emotional background, frustration, educational activity.Abstract
The article is dedicated to the theoretical substantiation of the essence and classification of emotional barriers in the educational process. The author argues that emotions play a significant role in the learning and development of students, influencing cognitive, behavioral, and social processes, and determining readiness to solve real-life problems. In the modern world, where there is an increasing emphasis on competitiveness and resilience to stress, the development of emotional competencies is a priority, thus highlighting the relevance of studying emotional barriers and methods of overcoming them. The aim of this research is to reveal the mechanism and role of emotions in the educational process, define the essence of the concept of «emotional barrier» in the system of pedagogical activity, and justify the classification of emotional barriers. During the research, several issues were addressed: clarification of the concept of «emotion» and its understanding within educational activities; justification of the use of Robert Plutchik's classification of emotions in the context of identifying the causes of their occurrence in students and revealing their connection with motivation and human behavior; explanation of the functions of emotions in educational activities; description of the emotional movement model at different stages of the learning process and the role of emotions in the success or failure of a student's cognitive activities; explanation of the causes and place of emotional barriers in a student's educational activities; clarification of the concept of «emotional memory»; analysis of the causes and consequences of the emergence of barriers to the activation of negative traces of emotional memory and outlining methods for overcoming them; disclosure of the essence of the barrier of negative emotional background, listing adverse factors that increase it, as well as characterizing its types; clarification of the concept of «psychological tension», the process of its formation, short-term and long-term effects on an individual; description of frustration barriers, their parameters, causes, and consequences of occurrence. The article structures previous research on the topic and raises the issue of the prospects for developing methods to prevent emotional barriers and fostering emotional competence in students. The results of the study will help teachers better understand the nature of emotions and their impact on learning, acquire practical knowledge about types of emotional barriers, their causes, consequences, and methods of overcoming them.
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