


STEM tasks, physics, key competencies, quantitative method, experimental research.


The objective of the article is to investigate the impact of STEM tasks on the development of key competencies among students during physics lessons. The author employs the concept of STEM education as integrated learning, aimed at fostering critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) is a crucial focus in modern education, contributing to the development of competencies essential for successful careers in today’s world. Integrating STEM tasks into the educational process allows students to realize their potential and cultivate skills crucial for their future. Project-based activities serve as a key method, enabling students to solve realworld problems and develop practical skills. This approach encourages active student participation in the learning process and helps them understand how to apply knowledge in practice. The research employed a quantitative method, including tests and observations. The sample consisted of 120 students in grades 7-9, divided into experimental and control groups. The results demonstrated that students engaged in STEM tasks during physics classes exhibited higher levels of knowledge formation and key competencies compared to those following a traditional curriculum. The research conclusions highlight the practical significance of STEM tasks for physics education. Further exploration of this topic is recommended to enhance the learning process and prepare future professionals.


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