


innovative approach, interdisciplinarity, educational process, project, technologies.


General secondary education is an integral part of the education system in Ukraine. The tasks and content of education preparation are not constant; they change under the influence of the times' requirements. One direction of innovative education development is the STEM education system. Various aspects of implementing STEM education in Ukraine are considered by many domestic scientists and representatives of the pedagogical community. At the same time, the idea of psychological and pedagogical training of future technology teachers for the integration of STEM education elements into the content of teaching activities has not yet reached a sufficient level of development in science and practice. The aim of the article is to highlight the peculiarities of forming future technology teachers' readiness to use STEM elements in teaching activities. The methodology of theoretical and methodological research includes the analysis of regulatory documents, psychological-pedagogical literature, and scientific studies to identify the potential opportunities of STEM education in teaching technology subjects for candidates of general secondary education institutions and determine the peculiarities of forming future technology teachers' readiness to use STEM elements in teaching activities. Higher education institutions play an important role in shaping modern teachers. It is on their basis that primary conditions for preparing future technology teachers considering advanced technologies can be created. Currently, in the preparation of candidates for the second level of higher education in the specialty 014.10 Secondary Education (Labor Training and Technology), an obligatory educational component is «Innovative Activity in Technological Education», the content of which contributes to enhancing the methodological and practical levels of readiness of future technology teachers to use innovative approaches in education, including STEM, in the conditions of the New Ukrainian School, such as: deepening knowledge of the theoretical foundations of STEM education development as an innovation of the New Ukrainian School and methodological aspects of creating a STEM environment for education candidates. Tasks for the development of projects on robotics, 3D modeling, etc., are proposed; studying innovative pedagogical experience and developing didactic materials for integrated learning.


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Про затвердження плану заходів щодо реалізації Концепції розвитку природничо-математичної освіти (STEM-освіти) до 2027 року: розпорядження Кабінету Міністрів України від 13.01.2021 р. № 131-р. URL:

Про схвалення Концепції розвитку природничо-математичної освіти (STEM-освіти): розпорядження Кабінету Міністрів України від 05.08.2020 р. № 960-р. URL:

Проєкт стандарту вищої освіти зі спеціальності 014 «Середня освіта» на першому (бакалаврському) рівні вищої освіти: МОН щодо громадського обговорення від 14 березня 2023. URL:


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