


the educational challenges, distance learning, professional training of choreographer, educational process, temporarily relocated higher education institution.


This article highlights the problem of training future choreographers under martial law in Ukraine. The importance of distance learning as one of the important tools for organising the educational process in unforeseen learning conditions is emphasised. The authors provide examples of studies that reveal the peculiarities of distance learning for choreography students and outline the controversial nature of this issue from the perspective of providing quality educational services. The purpose of the article is to identify the main challenges of professional training of a bachelor of choreography under martial law in Ukraine and to outline ways to overcome them on the example of the activities of the temporarily relocated Berdiansk State Pedagogical University. The authors consider the main educational challenges to be: quality organisation of the educational process for all participants regardless of their location; psychological exhaustion and professional burnout of teachers, loss of motivation of students to study; retention of the contingent of students; measures of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to reorganise the education system in order to bring it closer to European standards in the context of war; annual conditionally postponed accreditation; increasing the importance of national and patriotic education in the educational process; practical training without appropriate conditions (dance halls, stage areas, etc.). The paper identifies ways to overcome these challenges in order to provide quality educational services to students of dance specialities at a university «without walls»: teamwork to solve current educational problems; increasing student satisfaction with the quality of educational services; excellence in teaching through the creation of opportunities for continuous learning and self-improvement of teachers; recognition and encouragement of the quality work of teachers; support for the mental health of participants in the educational process; creating a space for sharing best teaching practices to promote collegial learning and collaboration; improving educational and professional programmes with a projection to the post-war period; fruitful cooperation between teachers and students to solve current educational problems; expanding the scope of academic mobility.


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