preschool children, preschool education institution, Montessori pedagogy, conversation in a circle, communication in joint activity, didactic circle, prepared developmental environment, nomenclature lessons, main lesson.Abstract
The article deals with the issues of organizing work on communicative strategies and communication tactics of preschool children in Montessori education. It was determined that the organization of speech development of preschool children is built considering methodical principles that determine the choice of content, methods and techniques of language learning in accordance with the tasks of children's speech development. It is noted that the pedagogical concept of M. Montessori includes methodological principles based on the recognition of the subject position of the child; ideas of creating a specially prepared environment in which children work freely with self-didactic materials; variable model of teaching children of different age groups. An analysis of approaches to the organization of speech education of preschool children in classical Montessori pedagogy is presented. A system of work on the development of children's speech in Montessori education is proposed, which takes into account modern requirements for learning the native language by preschool children. It has been analyzed that the speech development of preschool children in Montessori pedagogy is carried out in three main directions: the formation of a conceptual system, which includes vocabulary expansion, classification and systematization of subject vocabulary; work on correct pronunciation; teaching reading and writing. The author concluded that the optimal form of development and formation of speech ideas about text types in older preschool children is a specially organized system-speech activity and a prepared developmental environment, which are aimed at the active cognitive activity of the child, which contribute to the complex perception of various forms of Montessori teaching – pedagogy and their actualization in natural speech communication.
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