preschool, children of the sixth year of life, mental health, speech activity.Abstract
In the conditions of a full-scale war in Ukraine, the educational community faced new challenges related to ensuring the mental health of children, that is, providing psychological support and help to overcome trauma and stress to children who are experiencing war. These issues require a comprehensive approach and joint efforts to solve them on the part of parents and teachers. Children's mental health is very important nowadays, it plays a big role in the development of personality. An important neoplasm of older preschool age is the formation of a new level of the child's affective-needs sphere, which allows him to be consciously guided by the goal, moral requirements and his feelings. Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease. Mental health is a collective term that consisting of several components: psyche and health, creating a synthetic object for study. A child's mental health is (according to the definition of the World Health Organization) a state of wellbeing in which a child can realize his own capabilities and abilities, cope with ordinary life stresses, and learn productively and fruitfully. From this definition follows the important idea that physical health is the health of a person, then mental health is the normal functioning of mental processes in a person. Laughter therapy is a trend of social psychology that develops as a means of influencing the personality to relieve tension and stress and is carried out during joint exercises using laughter. For children of the sixth year of life, laughter therapy is very useful, it is an important means of strengthening their mental health. Scientific studies suggest that the most effective means of strengthening children's mental health is artistic and speech activity, which forms one's emotional attitude to an artistic image.
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