


phraseology, work system, «Intellect of Ukraine» project, multifunctional lessons, 6th grade students


The article examines the system of work on learning idioms by 6th grade students under the «Intellect of Ukraine» project.  It was emphasized that training under the «Intellect of Ukraine» program is progressive and effective due to thoughtfulness, integration, professionalism, creativity, patriotism, and effectiveness. Accordingly, in multifunctional lessons of the Ukrainian language, students cooperate with various partners in a pair, group, team; perform various social roles; take responsibility for their own decisions and their implementation; deepen basic skills and skills for communication in the Ukrainian language in areas and situations of communication that are vital for their age and relevant for modern society. It was found that the language content line of Ukrainian language lessons in the 6th grade does not provide for a separate section «Phraseology». However, almost every multifunctional lesson includes vocabulary work with idioms, integration of knowledge and skills.  It has been investigated that the system of work on the acquisition of idioms by 6th grade students under the «Intellect of Ukraine» project has the following features: in the conclusions to the lessons, students are provided with historical references about idioms of biblical origin, there are mini-dictionaries of idioms, competitions «The Smartest», «Preparing for the external examination», arranging sentences with studied phraseological units. It is noted that sixth-graders learn the uniqueness of the Ukrainian language and the national uniqueness of Ukrainians with the help of expressive possibilities of phraseological units, the components of which are pronouns, numerals, and verbs. In addition to mine, children are convinced in Ukrainian language lessons that the idioms reflect the surrounding nature of Ukrainians, the richness of the plant and animal world, the outer and inner world of man. It is emphasized that, as experience shows, 6th grade students like to learn the semantics of fixed expressions with the help of project work or problem situations: explain with the help of pictures on the board, use puzzle pictures or animated video; create presentations of phraseological units; visit the language design bureau; supplement the texts of the exercises with learned phraseology; apply interdisciplinary connections, etc. 


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