


scientific research activity, technology teacher training, innovative teaching methods, personality formation, information and communication technologies, research competence, laboratory classes


The article considers the relevance of quality training of future teachers of natural sciences in modern conditions, which is due to the processes of reforming all links of the education system, global changes in the European labor market, the development of world science and pedagogical practice, as well as the shift of emphasis from the accumulation of knowledge to the mastery of methods of activity. The main strategic tasks and requirements for the quality of the educational process and the professional level of modern teachers are analyzed. The need for future teachers to master new functions, new content of activities, search and introduction of modern methods of teaching and learning was determined. Special attention is paid to the formation of ten key competencies among graduates of general secondary education institutions. The article deals with scientific studies of the problems of the individual's scientific research activity, which focuses on the formation of research skills in various categories of subjects. The importance of the formation of scientific-research competence in the system of training future specialists, researched by many Ukrainian and foreign scientists, is emphasized. The multidimensional process of scientific research activity in the formation of the personality of future technology teachers, which includes the development of research skills, independence and competences, is analyzed. The essence and theoretical justification of the students' research activity is defined, which involves the analysis of the concepts «scientific activity» and «research activity», especially in the context of the organization of such activity in higher education. The distinction between the concepts of «scientific activity», «scientific-organizational activity», «scientific-pedagogical activity» and «scientific-technical activity» is outlined. It is emphasized the need to refer to the reference-source base to clarify the specifics of the interpretation of the term «scientific-research activity».  The article examines the importance of research activity in the context of personality formation of future technology teachers. The role of innovative learning technologies, such as problem presentation, heuristic methods, game methods and case methods, in the development of critical thinking, research skills and independence of students is analyzed. The growing importance of information and communication technologies in education requires from future teachers the ability to critically evaluate and use online resources to ensure the quality of learning and active scientific research. The training of future technology teachers should include the development of skills to work in a hybrid research environment, using both traditional and digital resources. Developed research competence is a key aspect of improving the quality of the educational process and includes a system of motives, states, special attitudes, research knowledge, skills and abilities. 


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