future specialists in the medical field, professional training, system approach, personal-activity approach, competence approach, contextual approachAbstract
The article is devoted to the characteristics of modern approaches to the training of future specialists in the medical field. The main focus is on revealing a complex of approaches to the training of future specialists in the medical field. It was noted that a set of approaches was defined as the methodological basis for the training of future specialists in the medical field: system-holistic, personal-activity, competence-based, and contextual. Each approach is considered in particular. Thus, the system approach determines the sequence of procedures for creating an object as a system and offers an explanation, description, prediction of its behavior that is combined with the general goal. It is noted that it reveals external and internal connections, integrative properties of the object as a system and forms a holistic vision of multiple research objects. It was determined that the personal-activity approach allows considering the personality of the future specialist i the medical field in his professional activity, helps to approach the problem of effective acquisition of skills and knowledge in a new way. It was established that the competence approach provides for the formation of professional competence as an integrated characteristic that includes knowledge, abilities, skills, a model of behavior, personal qualities and experience that a future medical worker should acquire in the process of professional training. It is the competence approach that allows one to focus on the innovative experience of successful professional activity in the medical field at the same time. It has been proven that the competence approach strengthens the practical orientation of medical education, placing the ability to solve professional tasks in the foreground and emphasizing the results of education. Based on the analysis of psychological-pedagogical literature, it is also possible to emphasize that the professional context involves tasks, forms and methods of professional-pedagogical activity, situations of social-psychological interaction, typical for specialists in the field of medicine. It is emphasized that all methodological approaches are aimed at improving the quality of training of medical workers, as well as at forming their readiness to perform professional function.
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