



agreement development, early speech development, speech, young children with cerebral palsy, dysarthria


The article examines the peculiarities of agreement and early speech development of children with cerebral palsy. An analysis of the theoretical and methodological literature was carried out, which made it possible to outline the specifics of the formation and development of speech at an early age. The essence of the concepts «speech» and «speech activity» has been studied. It was established that during the formation of vocalizations in young children, seven speech functions are distinguished, which the child masters during the agreement period. The stages of communicative and speech  ontogenesis are defined. Attention is focused on the multifaceted nature of speech activity in the agreement period of a child's development. The main conditions for the formation of children's speech activity have been determined. It is noted that children with cerebral palsy have significant deviations in psychophysical development, in particular speech. Modern studies associate this condition with the causal nature of this disorder. Accordingly, the main difficulties of agreement and early speech development of children with cerebral palsy are outlined. In general, children with cerebral palsy have disorders of all components of speech: phonetic-phonemic, lexical, grammatical. Some results of the author's scientific research on the peculiarities of agreement and early speech development of children with cerebral palsy are presented. In particular, the peculiarities of the formation and development of speech in children with cerebral palsy at an early age from the words of their parents are indicated. The dependence of speech development on the child's physical capabilities has been determined. In young children with cerebral palsy, there is a delay in the formation of the basis for the development of speech and its basic prerequisites. A theoretical and empirical analysis of the speech development of children with cerebral palsy allowed us to assume that dysarthria is the main speech disorder in the picture of the neurological status of a child with cerebral palsy. 


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