activation of cognitive activity, media-educational technologies, tasks of economic content, educational process, mathematics lessonsAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the use of media educational technologies in the teaching of problems of economic content in mathematics lessons. The development of a competent personality is one of the key tasks of modern education, and the role of the teacher in this process is extremely important. Here are some ways in which teachers can contribute to this, stimulating interest in learning, that is, teachers should encourage students to study the material interestingly, using various methods and media-educational technologies that promote interest and motivation; active participation of students in the educational process, i.e. teachers should organize such lessons where each student takes an active part, feeling their importance and contribution to learning; promoting independent learning and development, that is, teachers can create conditions for independent study and research activities of students, inspiring them to search for new knowledge and solve complex problems. Therefore, teachers play a key role in the development of a competent personality of students, creating a stimulating and favorable educational environment that promotes self-development, self-organization and self-education. The purpose of the research is to investigate the influence of media educational technologies in mathematics lessons when teaching problems of economic content in order to increase the activation of students' cognitive activity. The priority task today is to increase financial and economic literacy, which is best implemented at school through solving mathematical problems of economic content. Including such topics in the school curriculum will help young people better navigate basic financial concepts and develop personal finance management skills. There are various approaches that can be used to improve educational outcomes and stimulate student learning. In modern education, information and communication technologies are most often used, for example, media educational technologies, which contribute to the visual awareness of mathematical concepts in the context of financial literacy.
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