health, adolescence, educational process, physical development, health-preserving technologies, healthy lifestyle.Abstract
The article provides a scientific and theoretical justification of the issue of formation, preservation and strengthening of the health of adolescent children. It should be noted that, taking into account the realities of today, the urgency of the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of young people has acquired national importance, because it is the youth, as a promising part of society, who will build the future. For us, it is necessary to determine the theoretical aspects of the essence of health in order to develop a system of its formation in adolescent children. The main morphofunctional and psychophysiological features of this period of development are singled out and classified, including: nervous system, endocrine system, immune system, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, as well as growing up, neuropsychological and physical development of children. The use of health-preserving technologies as the main way of solving the problems of preserving and strengthening the health of young people in the modern conditions of the educational space has an important scientific, educational and social significance. Modern world trends put forward new requirements for the individual's entry into the social space and productive adaptation in it. The educational sector faced a new task, namely the achievement of a more complete, personal and socially integrated result. World transformations, which gradually accumulated, led to the reorientation of the educational direction and the formation of a new paradigm of the result of education. The introduction of health technologies into the educational process makes it possible to expand the reserves of physiological functions, restore the ability for self-regulation and self-reproduction, compensate for the consequences of functional disorders and even stop the pathological process. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that the most pressing problem of preserving the health of children of the late childhood age may be a recognition of the priority of a healthy way of living, the search for new and effective forms and methods that could significantly reduce the risk of change health programs for the full-fledged development of specialness.
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