professional education, engineering education, entrepreneurship, self-realization of engineers, preparing future specialists for entrepreneurship.Abstract
The professional training of future specialists in technical higher education institutions for self-realization primarily follows one of two typical career strategies: specialized professional work or managerial management. In light of global challenges, the importance of youth entrepreneurship, particularly in the field of engineering, has been emphasized. This article focuses on identifying the stimulation characteristics of engineering education aspirants to initiate their own businesses by analyzing the experience of individual engineering entrepreneurs, reviewing educational programs for the professional training of future engineering specialists, and revealing the essence of the developed business activity development technology. The idea that fostering the business activity development of engineering education aspirants will ensure the success of their entrepreneurial activities is substantiated. A conclusion is drawn about the necessity of complementing the content of engineering education with an entrepreneurial component and introducing business activity development technology. This approach will contribute to the actualization and development of the individual-personal qualities of future engineering specialists for starting their own businesses and successfully promoting their ventures. Thus, the need to stimulate the preparation of future engineering specialists for entrepreneurship and self-realization in youth entrepreneurship is justified and consistent. This will promote the renewal of educational objectives, improve the content and process of professional education by actualizing the entrepreneurial component, and applying innovative pedagogical technologies, teaching and monitoring methods, as well as subject-subject interaction techniques between teachers and engineering education aspirants. The obtained results are essential for scientifically substantiating the need to improve the content of engineering education, developing and using innovative technologies in preparing future specialists for self-realization in a market economy, and implementing gaming methods, business accelerators, simulators, and trainers.
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