


soft skills, project method, professional pedagogical training, training of future teachers, educational environment.


Formation of students’ «soft skills» is urgent requirement of modern European society, so the process of training a pedagogical specialist actualizes the problem of educational process arrangement, which contributes to the self-realization of the student's personality by developing his intellectual and organizational capabilities, volitional qualities and creative abilities. The paper focused on the application of the method of projects in the process of formation of soft skills among students. It is emphasized that the formation of soft skills is an important component of the training of future teachers. Theoretically it has been proved that using the method of projects promotes the formation of skills to make decisions in situations of lack of time; leadership qualities, ability to visualize information; ability to speak publicly; time management skills, establishing of interpersonal communication. Particular attention is paid to the structural components of the concept of soft skills. It is argued that creativity, professional English-language communication, critical thinking, self-organization are important. It is proved the need to use the project method to develop the ability to adjust to the rapidly changing demands of modern socio-economic development, define personal and professional goals independently, demonstrate the ability to follow the deadlines, develop communication skills and teamwork, and recognize one's own leadership potential. The paper highlights the essential project activity, which significantly improves the intelligence of future teachers, activates the ability to work in a team; the capability to be convincing and influential in discussions and negotiations, thoughtfully looking for a solution; the ability to reach an understanding with people around. In general, this research theoretically proved that the use of the project method contributes to the formation of students’ soft skills and increases their competitiveness in the modern educational environment. The prospect of further exploration in this direction is determined by the practical aspect of using the method of projects for the development of soft skills among students.


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