


project, development, project activity, teacher, preschooler, development of project skills, project culture.


The purpose of the article is to analyse the peculiarities of the development of future teachers’ project culture in the educational environment of a higher education institution. The study gives grounds to consider pedagogical design as a special type of complex multi-stage activity, which is manifested in the teacher’s possession of project knowledge, skills and abilities to apply them in solving professional problems. The project culture of future preschool teachers is an integrative characteristic of a personality that reflects the ability and readiness of a future preschool teacher to design individual trajectories of development of children of early and preschool age, design the content of preschool education in a preschool educational institution, build routes for their own development and self-improvement of project knowledge, skills and experience in project activities. The project culture of the preschool teacher includes: understanding of the peculiarities of preschool age (a deep understanding of the peculiarities of preschool child development, his/her needs and capabilities, knowing which methods and approaches to organizing the educational process are most effective in this age period); formation of a creative, playful environment of the preschool education institution (to create an interesting and stimulating play environment for preschool children, to promote their creative development and self-expression through play); development of creative thinking (to stimulate children's creativity, promote the development of their creative thinking and imagination, provide opportunities for children's independent creative expression, support their ideas and initiatives); use of project methods in working with children (be able to organize and conduct project work with preschool children, use various methods and forms of work, such as group work, research activities, workshops, etc); promoting social development (creating conditions for the social development of children, promoting the formation of skills of cooperation, communication and interaction with the outside world, organizing joint projects and events that promote the socialization of children). It has been established that the structure of the project culture of future preschool teachers is represented in the aggregate of the following three components: motivational and personal component, cognitive and procedural component, activity and management component. The levels of development of future preschool teachers’ project culture are determined: unacceptable, acceptable, and optimal. The results of an experimental study of the development of project culture of future preschool teachers are presented.


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