integration, integrated learning, higher education institution, English for Specific Purposes (ESP), Сontent and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI).Abstract
The article analyses and determines the practical value of theoretical studies of integrated learning as a modern approach to teaching a foreign language in pedagogical higher education institutions. The relevance of using integrated learning is related to the student-centred orientation and modernisation of higher education in Ukraine, which should be focused primarily on the best international practices, students’ future professional activity and their realisation as individuals in modern society. It emphasises that integration is the result of a high level of implementing interdisciplinary links, which involves establishing relations between branches of knowledge in order to study the common and distinctive features deeply. It is emphasised that the primary goal of integrated learning is to use interdisciplinary integration to create optimal conditions for the students’ general, physical and mental development and competencies. The article identifies the main types, levels, approaches and advantages of implementing integrated learning in the educational process. The authors highlight the three most common approaches to teaching a foreign language in higher education institutions based on integrated learning (ESP, CLIL EMI). Teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is one of the most established approaches in higher education institutions. Studying a foreign language within this approach is performed considering the future profession or speciality. A dual focus characterises the approach of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). It emphasises the use of a foreign language as a means of acquiring professional and general competencies within the CLIL approach. Using English as a medium of instruction (EMI) involves learning all educational components in a foreign language. The main advantages and difficulties of implementing EMI in pedagogical higher education institutions are mentioned. It is emphasized that the transition should be gradual and systematic. The article summarises that introducing integrated learning is a natural phenomenon in higher education modernising. In general, integration will enable students to acquire generalised, comprehensive knowledge that can broaden their horizons and perception of the world and prepare them for future professional activities.
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