



Business Communications, communicative style, corporate communication, communicative competence.


The article is devoted to the importance of improving business communication skills of young professionals. Recently, Ukraine has been undergoing a significant reform of its education system in line with the ever-changing political situation in the world, new needs of society in the twenty-first century, changes in the lives and minds of citizens, which leads to the search for new ways to form a specialist personality capable of effective interaction and communication with representatives of other cultures, ready to work in a multicultural environment. With the spread of international relations and international educational programs in modern society, tourism is gaining more and more development, which, along with entertainment, has cultural, educational and upbringing functions. Therefore, the role of professional training of specialists capable of effective intercultural interaction is growing, as their activities are largely related to establishing contacts with representatives of different cultures. In the period of Ukraine's progress towards European integration and the growing interest of international business in the development of Ukraine's economy, the issue of training young professionals who not only know English, the language of business, but also have basic business communication skills (hereinafter referred to as BC) is particularly acute. The problems of mastering business communications skills of young specialists in higher education institutions are considered. The recommendations for improving the effectiveness of business communication are developed. The goal of research work deals with the theoretical justification and presentation of non-standard interactive means and forms of teaching, oriented on formation business communication skills among students. It is well-known that business viability directly depends on the ability of employees to establish and maintain business contacts with staff, consumers, and business partners. In this regard, it is essencial to increase mastering BC skills, which determines the relevance of this work.


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Wikipedia. URL : http://en.wikipedia.org (дата звернення: 26.09.2023)


