physical culture, motivational and value criterion, cognitive-digital, activity-behavioral, reflective-evaluative criterions.Abstract
Physical education of children is very important. It affects general and mental health, mental development. Modern educators in the preschool education system must be adapted to the digital world. To prepare students, it is necessary to clearly define development criteria and their indicators. Then the process of training educators will be modern and meet the demands of modern society. We carried out an analysis of scientific research and determined the following criteria for the readiness of future educators for the physical education of preschool children. It is motivational and valuable; cognitive-digital; activity-behavioral; reflective and evaluative criteria. All criteria have their own levels of development. These are high, medium, and low levels of readiness of future teachers of preschool education institutions for physical education of preschoolers. The motivational and value criterion is singled out by us because only a highly motivated teacher can effectively implement physical education of preschoolers in preschool. After all, the foundation of activity is based not only on knowledge and skills, abilities and inclination to creativity, but also self-improvement, self-criticism and development throughout life. The cognitive-digital criterion is manifested in the presence of a sufficient amount of knowledge and skills, the readiness of future educators to use digital technologies in their professional activities. The activity-behavioral criterion is manifested in practical actions and deeds. The reflective-evaluative criterion is determined by the value-meaningful attitude to pedagogical reflection, the formation of reflective knowledge and the formation of reflective skills. The criteria proposed in the study are sufficient, in our opinion, to establish the level of readiness of future teachers of preschool education institutions for the physical education of preschoolers and will help to fully monitor the dynamics of readiness to use digital technologies in teaching physical culture.
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