



Oleksandra Savchenko, a scientific discourse, a scientific heritage, a lesson in primary school, а development of national primary education, a person-oriented learning, a competence approach.


In the article reveals the evolution of academician O. Savchenko's scientific views on the modernization of the lesson in primary school, namely: updating the lesson at the stage of development of national primary education; didactic features of lessons for six-year-old students; modernization of the lesson on the basis of person-oriented learning; improving the effectiveness of the lesson in the context of introducing the competence approach. The main trends in the development of national primary education are outlined based on the analysis of the scientific activity of a well-known Ukrainian scientist. The article evaluates the scientist's contribution to the development of the lesson in primary school at the stage of formation of the national school and characterizes his innovative model, developed by an outstanding teacher, the core of which is the organization of educational activities of younger schoolchildren. The article highlights the ideas of academician O. Savchenko's research activities regarding developmental learning, the prerequisites for a successful and effective lesson in primary school, the multivariate structure of the lesson, the features of the motivational and developmental components of the lesson. We present the general didactic aspects of the lesson for six-year-old students, defined in the scientific heritage of the outstanding scientist. The research revealed the vision of a well-known pedagogue regarding the modernization of the lesson on the basis of person-oriented learning and the peculiarities of its construction (variety of methods and technologies, diagnosticity of learning, the advantage of educational dialogue). Its integral system of organization of personal-oriented communication in the lesson in the first grade school is presented. The author analyzed the system of views of Academician O. Savchenko regarding the improvement of lesson efficiency in the context of the introduction of the competence approach. The didactic principles of lesson construction based on the competence approach, its reflective component and types of educational results of primary school students (personal, subject, intersubject, metasubject) determined by the scientist are characterized. Conclusions were made regarding the contribution of the outstanding scientist O. Savchenko to the improvement of the modern lesson in elementary school.


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