
In the collection "Scientific papers of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University. Philological sciences" contains scientific articles devoted to current problems of linguistics and literary studies. The problems of text linguistics, discourseology, discourse analysis, cognitive linguistics, lexicology and phraseology are highlighted. The problems of time-space dimensions of literature, poetics of literary text, theory of literature and comparative literary studies are studied.

Registered by the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine: Decision No. 1386 as of 25.04.2024. Media Identifier – R30-04381

Specialty: 035 - Philology

Professional registration (category «B»): Decree of MES No. 920 (Annex 6) dated June 26, 2024 

ISSN 2412-933Х

Frequency: 3 times a year

Publication languages: Ukrainian, English, Bulgarian, German, Polish, French.

Collection "Scientific papers of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University. Philological sciences" is indexed in scientometric databases:

Index Copernicus

Google Scholar

The journal’s electronic version is available in V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine