


military neologisms; communicative and pragmatic aspects, translation transformations, cultural connotations, English-language media


The article focuses on the topical issue of Ukrainian military neologisms translation in modern English-language media. The war in Ukraine has led to the active enrichment of the language with new terms that have not only a nominative but also a deep cultural and expressive function. The aim of the study is to determine the pragmatic and communicative aspects of the translation of these lexical innovations in terms of their cultural connotations, emotional colouring and specifics of perception by the English-speaking audience. In order to achieve this goal, the article aims to identify the translation transformations used in translation, as well as to establish what impact they have on the content and perception of information by the English-speaking audience and whether the connotations and their emotional colouring are preserved in the process of translation transformations. The definitions of the terms ‘neologism’ and ‘military neologism’ are considered, and its functions in media discourse are outlined; the leading directions of study and development of the field of neologism translation are indicated. It is established that neologisms, depending on their functions, can be divided into two broad categories: nominative and stylistic. The article discusses the main methods of translation, including transcription, calquing, modulation and adaptation for the English-speaking environment, which help to convey the multidimensional meaning of military neologisms in the relevant cultural context, and analyses the functioning of the brightest examples of military neologisms in English-language media resources. Important attention is paid to translation transformations that preserve semantic specificity and avoid the loss of meaning and emotional intensity in the translated text. The study was conducted on the basis of the English-language versions of Ukrainian media, such as ZN.Ua, UNN, Tribune, Ukrainska Pravda and others, which allowed to identify key translation approaches. The study suggests that the translation of Ukrainian military neologisms requires a creative approach that will facilitate effective communication and maintain an appropriate level of understanding of Ukrainian realities by the international community.


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