


artificial intelligence, foreign language training, English, mobile application, selfeducation


Nowadays artificial intelligence is an integral part of successful development in many industries. However, along with numerous supporters, there is a cohort of skeptics who are always trying to find flaws. Analizing foreign language training and AI, we emphasize the emergence of multifaceted applications aimed at studying certain language aspects, correcting grammatical or lexical errors and developing foreign language speaking skills, etc. The current study is devoted to considering the characteristics of a number of mobile applications that students can use in order to deepen and polish their foreign language competences, in particular as a component of self-education. The scientific research provides an example of the results of an experiment in two groups of students who used the proposed applications as independent extracurricular work for six months in order to analyze the impact of communication with native speakers on the development of speaking skills. The programs considered in the study have both their advantages and disadvantages. We should admit the possibility of communication in written or audio form, as well as participation in real sessions. The ability to receive comments on errors in the feedback format deserves special attention. From the results of the research, we are convinced that constant training of speaking skills contributes to increasing the level of students and their confidence in conducting business communication. We adhere to the opinion of the need to continue research on the use of AI in the educational process, in particular in the study (among other things, independently) of foreign languages.


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