storytelling, foreign literature, teaching, technology, education.Abstract
This article investigated the use of storytelling in teaching technology and foreign literature in school. Storytelling is not just about literary stories, but rather about effectively transferring information and motivating action through storytelling. It is used in many fields such as interpersonal communication, media, business, advertising, politics, education, and art. The value of content, word beauty, and form refinement are still important in storytelling. Storytelling is a teaching tool for centuries, and it continues to be an effective method for engaging students in learning. In recent years, educators have begun to explore the use of storytelling specifically in teaching technology and foreign literature in schools. Today storytelling has become widespread educational method. Stories can be used in writings or orally, through different illustrations etc. It also helps to introduce foreign literature to students. By telling stories about the culture and history of the author or the setting of the story, students can gain a deeper understanding of the text. This approach can also help students connect with the material emotionally, which can enhance their engagement and retention. Storytelling in technology or vocational education classes helps launch creative projects for students, promotes motivational components of project-based learning, and activates exploratory and research activities in studying manufacturing technologies. In both cases, storytelling can be used in a variety of ways. Teachers might read stories aloud to the class, ask students to create their own stories, or incorporate storytelling into group projects. The key is to use storytelling as a tool to enhance learning, rather than as a distraction from it. Overall, storytelling can be an effective tool for teaching technology and foreign literature in schools, helping to engage students and deepen their understanding of these important subjects.
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