


graphic problems, gas laws, loop process, methods of solving physical problems, subject competence of students in physics, school physics course.


The article deals with the theoretical and methodological aspects of the implementation of the author's methodical approach of solving graphic problems on gas laws as one of the key issues of the school physics course and an integral component of the students' subject competence. It is noted that despite the availability of various literary sources related to physics teaching methods, an important issue of the modern educational process in physics in general and problem solving in particular is the implementation of active methods, techniques and forms of learning to in school practice. They encourage students to active thinking, develop their cognitive interest, and form a culture of intellectual work and independent practical actions. It is noted that the effective assimilation of the main questions of the corresponding topic of the school course in physics, taking into account the principles of scientificity, clarity and generalization, will be facilitated by meaningful compactness, unity and a clear sequence of educational and cognitive actions of students during the solving of graphic problems at the first lessons. The author proposes the algorithm of problem solving that includes the following stages: 1) systematization of information about the main gas laws and their graphic representation; 2) students find out the nature of the change in one of the three parameters of the gas state; 3) construction of a closed process with an ideal gas on the other two diagrams for cases when individual sections of graphic represents loop process (that is, assume a change in all three gas parameters); 4) solving graphic problems for gas laws which are not loop processes; 5) solving graphical problems for loop processes in the form of circles on the initial diagrams. The authors' own pedagogical experience shows that the organization of the educational process based on the proposed methodical approach is effective and efficient, which is confirmed by the level of cognitive activity and educational success of both school students and students of higher education in recent years.


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