


educational process, higher educational institutions, mobile learning, mobile applications, higher mathematics.


Today, the educational process of higher educational institutions of Ukraine is undergoing changes and needs innovations. Recently, due to the transition to distance learning, the introduction of martial law, aerial alarms and unstable Internet connection, teachers and students must learn to quickly adapt to the relevant situations and continue to carry out online educational activities at a high level. With the transition to distance learning, the implementation of mobile learning has become relevant, which involves the use of mobile and portable devices (phones, laptops, tablets) for teaching and learning. Among all of them, it is worth noting mobile phones, because modern smartphones satisfy the basic needs for carrying out educational activities. The article examines mobile applications in the process of learning the discipline «Higher Mathematics». The following applications were selected and analyzed: Maxima, MatrixCalculator, IntroStat, Maple Calculator, Mathematics, PhotoMath. The indicators for the analysis were the ability to work offline, free of charge and support for the Android system. Applications were analyzed for solving problems from the discipline «Higher Mathematics»: calculation of matrices and determinants, statistical processing, construction of graphs of functions, differential and integral calculus, calculation of limits of numerical sequences and solving equations. It was established that the Maxima and Mathematics applications correspond to absolutely all indicators. Among all mobile applications, the Maxima application was chosen. With the help of Maxima, students do not automatically fill in numerical values to solve the problem, but use special operations to enter data. This guarantees awareness and independent solving of problems, rather than mechanical writing off ready-made calculations. The article demonstrates the practical use of the corresponding application in solving problems from the discipline «Higher Mathematics».


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