


motivе, motivation, interest, рhysical еducation physical education of students.


The article analyzes the psychological and pedagogical aspects of students' motivation for physical education classes. It was determined that in modern psychological and pedagogical literature there are significant differences regarding the definition of the concepts «motive» and «motivation». It was found out that the concept of «motive» includes needs, motivation, interest, passion, inclination, desire. Motives are relatively stable personal characteristics of a person. Motives can be ideals of the individual, his beliefs, social guidelines, value orientations. It is noted that the effectiveness of the organization of the educational process in physical education is possible provided that the main motivational motives that determine the student's activity and, as a result, the process of forming his motivation for motor activity are taken into account. The main factor influencing students' motivation to study is the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities. Emphasis is placed on the fact that it is possible to interest a student in physical education through purposeful influence on individual motives and on the motivational sphere as a whole. One of the most important tasks in the formation of motivation for physical education is the development of achievement motivation. Based on the analysis of the pedagogical literature, it was concluded that the formation of motivation depends on the content, methods, organizational forms and material possibilities of conducting the educational process in a higher educational institution. The main pedagogical conditions that will contribute to the effective formation and increase of students' motivation to engage in physical education are defined: acquiring knowledge about preserving, maintaining and strengthening health, creating a positive attitude towards the formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle; differentiation of physical education. It is emphasized that supporting educational motivation will allow students to consciously master knowledge, develop skills and abilities; to develop a positive attitude towards the process of physical education, to systematically engage in physical and recreational and sports exercises during educational and extracurricular activities.


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