


asynchronous learning, nanoengineers, professional activity, online training, virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain technology, internet of things.


The article is devoted to consideration of modern achievements concerning asynchronous learning technologies and the possibilities of their application in preparing future nanoengineers for productive professional activity in the modern conditions. The article examines a number of innovative technologies, including online learning, virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence and machine learning, blockchain technology and the Internet of Things (IoT). The purpose of the article is to evaluate the expediency and effectiveness of these technologies in activating the training of nanoengineers for professional activities. We sought to analyze the potential advantages and disadvantages of each technology and how they can be integrated into the process of training future nanoengineers to create the latest dual-purpose materials. The article also seeks to provide practical recommendations and ideas on the effective use of asynchronous learning in the training of future specialists in the field of nanomaterials science, especially considering the new conditions in which Ukraine has found itself. Background analysis has shown that asynchronous learning has the potential to be an effective and efficient means of delivering professional nanoengineering education, offering flexibility, scalability, and the ability to accommodate busy schedules. The article reviews the available literature on this topic, taking into account the latest achievements and the current state of the industry. Based on the analysis and comparison of different sources, the authors come to conclusions about the potential of each technology to support asynchronous learning in the preparation of nanoengineers if it is correctly applied. The article also provides recommendations for further research in this area and for the development of more effective educational programs for future nanoengineers, which will allow them to remain competitive and ready for the challenges and opportunities of the future. 


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