


interactive teaching methods, active learning, forms and methods of implementing the educational process, modern educational technologies and teaching aids.


The main priority in teaching environmental disciplines is to create a spatial understanding of the systemic nature of processes occurring at different levels of ecosystems and to create awareness of environmental changes that are occurring rapidly on a global scale. A distinctive feature when working with applicants for other specialties is that ecology is unlikely to become their future professional priority, but during the course of their studies, they should clearly realize that the environmental component is one of the key foundations of sustainable development, a potential for international cooperation in all professional fields, without exception. It is an environmentally conscious approach that should become the basis for further professional activity, a worldview concept, and an everyday habit of every person. The article analyzes the interactive forms, methods, techniques, and technologies of vocational training that are recognized as the most effective and, for many years, have been holding the predominant position among the recommended approaches for use in the educational process. Such forms of education show high efficiency in teaching environmental disciplines in higher education institutions. Through joint interaction between the participants of the educational process, there is an exchange of information, modeling of problem situations and building the concept of their joint solution, immersion in a real atmosphere of joint communication, discussion, and summarizing the results. This approach allows you to intensify the learning process, make it more interesting, and most importantly, more effective. Based on my own experience of teaching environmental disciplines, I have identified a list of interactive methods that can be used in the educational process to significantly increase the percentage of material perception by higher education students. The use of any of the proposed methods is accompanied by collective discussion, analysis, and synthesis of information, summarizing general ideas and suggestions.


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