


armed aggression, forcibly displaced teenagers, social and psychological adaptation, school, gamification.


The article presents the authors’ view on the problem of social and psychological forcibly displaced teenagers’ adaptation as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. The importance of studying the foreign colleagues’ experience regarding the methods (measures) used by them is characterized, which allow a forcibly displaced teenagers to adapt quicker to a new educational environment in an unfamiliar country. The essential characteristics of the social and psychological forcibly displaced teenagers’ adaptation were analyzed. It is noted that the school is the main institution that provides the proper conditions for the social and psychological adaptation of forcibly displaced teenagers. The use of gamification method in school conditions as a way of influencing the process of social and psychological forcibly displaced teenagers’ adaptation is substantiated, taking into account the interests of modern teenagers, their fascination with digital means and constant use of the Internet. The structural elements of the gamification method in the educational process are highlighted, and its advantages are indicated. The main tasks of social and psychological teenagers’ adaptation by means of gamification (subcultural identification, self-actualization, emotional attunement) are defined. The algorithm of implementation and use of the gamification method in this process is presented. The feasibility of creating high-quality educational content is emphasized; its elements (dynamics, mechanics and components) are characterized. The importance of the teacher's role when applying the gamification method is accented. It is underlined that the professional competence of the pedagogical and social worker is considered as a necessary condition for achieving the goals determined by the use of gamification. In the context of improving methods that would ensure the effectiveness of social and psychological forcibly displaced teenagers’ adaptation at the stage of their education at school, it is recognized to be quite important to spread one's own efforts in this regard.


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