


constructivism, cognitive cognition, cognitive development, lecture, method of demonstration and modeling, method of video showing, method of interrogation, method of exercises, method of learning through discovery, discussions and debates, role play, project, excursion.


The article considers the problem of choosing methods of teaching music in educational institutions in the paradigm of constructivist approach to the organization of educational activities. The purpose of the article is to provide an overview of some general approaches and strategies for teaching music based on the constructivist theory of learning in secondary school. Among the analyzed methods are a lecture, demonstration and modeling, opening method, video showing, tour, role play, project, survey technique, opening method. The article also highlights the factors that determine the choice of teaching method. The main tasks are as follows: to determine the key characteristics of the constructivist approach to learning, to analyze the key provisions of the basic theories of cognitive cognition; to analyze the main methods of teaching music in terms of their coordination with the constructivist approach to learning. Theoretical and empirical methods were used in the study. During the study, theoretical and methodological sources on the research problem were analyzed, the potential of teaching methods was practically assessed in order to organize the educational process in the discipline «musical art» in the context of constructivism theory, the factors determining the choice of teaching methods were identified. Analysis of the problem of selection of methods of teaching music in the paradigm of the constructivist approach allows us to note that the theory of constructivism provides for the possibility of personal construction of knowledge and educational activities by students. Under such a system of teaching, students' knowledge is an individual, variable interpretation of the presented and assimilated information, which provides a conscious perception of music and deep reflection during the educational process. The novelty of the study lies in the study and application of the theory of social constructivism in order to optimize the selection of teaching methods for the successful implementation of the educational process of music art in educational institutions.


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