



motivation, motive, professional activity, physical education, physical culture, sport.


The article considers the motivational factor as an integral component when choosing a future profession in the field of physical culture and sports. The characteristics of the most important motivational factor, which are needs (biological, social and ideal), are given. Human activity, which can be aimed at the formation of the person himself, as a part of the world, which is considered as physical culture. The basis of any human activity is needs, motives, interests, goals, which are characterized by the concept of «motivation». Considering the motivation of professional self-determination, it is characterized as a complex system of external and internal factors and mechanisms that motivate, direct and regulate the activity of an individual in preparation and implementation of the choice of his professional and educational path: setting and achieving professional goals, choosing the means of their achievement, as well as activities on self-development and self-improvement in the professional sphere. A person with achievement motivation is characterized by a realistic assessment of their capabilities when setting goals and objectives, a desire to overcome difficulties, and achieve high performance results. It is also proposed to classify students depending on the development of professional orientation, which concerns of physical culture and sports specialties. It has been established that the ways of formation and peculiarities of motivation of each student are individual, the state of professional motivation depends on how adequately students evaluate educational activities in comparison with personal, real opportunities and the level of harassment. The choice situation has the advantage that the motives are not only conscious, but they actually act. The training of a specialist in this sphere is provided with the help of three main components: motivational and moral (stimulates the activity of the future specialist), cognitive (ensures the full mastery of the content of education), motor (reflects the specifics of the profession and provides the mechanism of cognition). All components are aimed at mastering the formation of the specialist's personality culture.


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