component lighting, rehabilitation, damage, technologies, robotic complexes, a person with disabilities, rehabilitation specialists, computerized means of rehabilitation.Abstract
The article analyzes the main results of the study of the peculiarities of the professional training of future rehabilitation assistants and occupational therapists in classes on modern rehabilitation technologies in the field of health. The development of rehabilitation and information technologies, electronics, radio engineering, robotics and other fields of science and technology contributes to the emergence of the latest diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation complexes and systems. Mechanotherapy has always been an important component in the rehabilitation of the restoration of the patient's motor functions. Robotic mechanotherapy is a new method of rehabilitation. At the same time, special robotic structures are used for training the functions of the upper and lower limbs with the presence of feedback. When comparing the quality of robotic therapy training with traditional physical therapy classes, one can focus on the following advantages of the first: extended duration of classes, accuracy of cyclic, repeatedly repeated movements; constant uniform training program; the presence of an assessment of the effectiveness of certain physical exercises performed and the possibility of showing it to the patient. Modern robotic complexes, systems and devices significantly increase the effectiveness of diagnostics, treatment and physical rehabilitation measures. At the same time, the lack of educational literature, which would combine information about known types of complexes, device systems, reduces the effectiveness of the educational process and complicates the adaptation of graduates to rehabilitation industrial activities after graduating from higher education institutions. The presence in the training program of the educational component of modern rehabilitation technologies in the field of health makes it possible to deepen the knowledge and practical skills of the students, aimed at the effective implementation of modern technologies in the system of physical rehabilitation and to acquire competencies corresponding to the educational program. The result of the training of future specialists-rehabilitators for professional activities in the field of rehabilitation is familiarization and mastering of modern methods and tools, algorithms of their action, which will enable them to adapt more quickly in the future in the spheres of operation of foreign robotic and computerized tools that are constantly arriving in Ukraine. during physical rehabilitation procedures in medical and rehabilitation institutions.
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