content of the history course, textbook, Ukrainian national renaissance, scheme of Ukrainian history by M. Hrushevsky.Abstract
The article is devoted to highlighting the important didactic-historical problem of forming the content of the educational course of the history of Ukraine in the era of the Ukrainian national renaissance. It was determined that three main periods can be traced in this process: 1) 40–70 years of the 19th century, 2) 80–90 years of the 19th century; 3) the beginning of the XX century. The characteristic features of the first period were the appearance of the first attempts to determine the content of the educational course of the history of Ukraine based on the history of the Cossack era with the embodiment of the ideas of self-sufficiency (separation from the Russian one), sobrality, Christian and democratic values, and the heroism of the Ukrainian people (P. Kulish). During the second period, the formation of worldview and didactic requirements for the content of the educational course on the history of Ukraine takes place (a focus on the formation of national consciousness, patriotism, a combination of universal and national values, a reflection of the main historical events, material and spiritual achievements of the Ukrainian people, the influence of geographical factors on history, accessibility, etc.), and the idea of the identity and independence of the Ukrainian people, their right to their own state, the realization of which constitutes the essence of Ukrainian history, which causes the princely, Lithuanian-Polish, Cossack, and Austrian-Russian periods to be distinguished in the educational literature (O. Barvinskyi). The third period is associated with the appearance and consolidation in the educational literature of M. Hrushevskyi's scheme of the history of Ukraine: the pre-state period, the state period (the Kyiv period, which turns into the Galicia-Volyn period), the Lithuanian-Polish period, the Cossack period, the decline of the Cossacks, the Ukrainian revival). Attempts to show the history of Ukraine in the context of events of world history (G. Kovalenko), to combine the personification of history with broad generalizations (M. Arkas), to introduce ideas of the connection of the Ukrainian people with Europe in parallel with emphasizing the individuality of Ukrainians and the presence of historical disputes with the Russians (B. Grinchenko).
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