music psychology, professional training of masters, cycle of professional training, entrance questionnaire, psychological and pedagogical disciplines.Abstract
The article raises the issue of psychological professional training provision of future music art teachers during their master's studies at a pedagogical institution of higher education. The relevance of this problem is determined by the need for the disciplines of the psychological and pedagogical cycle in the general professional and creative training of masters, solving the main task – the training of highly qualified specialists in musical art who meet the standards and requirements of a modern specialist. The article proves the necessity of studying the discipline «Music Psychology» in preparing masters of education for the qualitative implementation towards the professional functions of a performer and musical art teacher in the system of general and additional music education. The author's approach to the content and teaching methods during the study of the specified discipline is highlighted. It is emphasized that the construction of the thematic material of the course is based on a dynamic approach, which most accurately reflects the specifics of the mental processes of an individual interacting with music. This approach is implemented through the sequence that is most often found in general psychology: the nature of sound, cognitive processes, the emotional and volitional sphere, individual characteristics of the personality, the specificity of artistic creativity. It is emphasized that the construction of the thematic material of the course is based on a dynamic approach, which most accurately reflects the specifics of the mental processes of an individual interacting with music. This approach is implemented through the sequence that is most often found in general psychology: the nature of sound, cognitive processes, the emotional and volitional sphere, individual characteristics of the personality, the specificity of artistic creativity. Attention is focused on the author's vision of the discipline content, supported by 15 years of experience in teaching the course «Psychology of Art» for students of art specialties of a pedagogical high educational institution. The article outlines a logical presentation of the course material aimed at making master's students about following the importance of psychological training at the university, forming their professional motivation. To reinforce the last day of the entrance questionnaire on the specified questions. The article presents the main issues about meaningful modules as indicative and sufficient for the formation of competencies and learning outcomes regarding education seekers, determined by the educational and professional program. Examples of exercises for use in practical classes are given in order to make master's students aware towards the specifics of the course and its differences from traditional psychological disciplines.
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