information and communication technologies, content of education, distance education, professional education, stakeholders.Abstract
The article examines the problem of improving the educational process of studying ICT in the preparation of masters in the educational and professional program «Professional Education. Computer technologies» at Berdyansk State Pedagogical University. The improvement and clarification of the content of the discipline «Digital technologies in professional activity» was considered, which should be based on the consideration in the educational process of professional education of today's challenges of ICT application by future specialists. The application of six main categories of ICT, which are actively used in the educational process, has been analyzed. Training ICT, which have been designed to consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities. Cognitive ICT are focused on mastering concepts that serve to ensure the organization of the educational process in accordance with programmed learning systems. ICT for problem-based learning are focused on the implementation of educational and cognitive tasks and the principles of indirect management of the educational process. Simulating and modeling ICT, which are intended for simulating and modeling various processes, phenomena, situations of human social life, etc. Game ICT are used as a form and method to achieve certain educational goals. Reference and information ICTs provide access to knowledge bases, dictionaries, encyclopedias, information and search systems, etc. These categories are the basis for improving the content of the «Digital technologies in professional activity» discipline. A confirmatory study was conducted among stakeholders, owing to which specific ICTs have been determined that should be included in the content of the educational component «Digital technologies in the professional activity». The resulting list of ICT is quite broad, but it should be noted that a significant part of ICT can be used to achieve various educational goals and solve various didactic tasks, including: Google Keep, LearningApps, MindMeister, Nearpod, OneNote Web Clipper, Pear Deck, Popplet and TheBrain. A separate group is ICT that represent a whole range of tools and technologies and are system ICT, such as: Canvas, Google Classrom and LMS Moodle.
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