organization of educational process, educational work, martial law, security actions, psychological, pedagogical support.Abstract
The article analyzes the main directions of organization of the educational process under martial law and substantiates the need for other content and approaches to educational work. The main direction should be provided without the pecal component of personal health, creating conditions for its physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being. It is stated that during the war, a school becomes a center that allows children to receive not only knowledge, but also psychological and pedagogical support, not to lose their sense of belonging to the community. Therefore, it is extremely important to flexibly approach the organization of the school and set up the educational process, so that it is comfortable for children and teachers. The organization of educational class work with the with the help of an active use of modern technologies is analyzed. It is caused by staying on distance learning for a long time. The main provisions of methodological recommendations on the organization of educational work during martial law and methods of forming the features and qualities of the «Ukrainian winner» in terms of the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine are summarized: moral stability, endurance, willpower and firmness of spirit. It is emphasized that a lot of time should be devoted to work in asynchronous mode: communication in instant messengers, students performing exercises and tasks involving psychological unloading, techniques for resolving emotional state, etc. Therefore, the planning and organization of educational work should be carried out taking into account the martial law, challenges and threats. Special attention should be paid to the organization of individual work with emotionally vulnerable students, as well as to taking care of the most possibly stable psychological state of the teacher in difficult martial law conditions.
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