primary school, junior schoolchildren, mathematical competence, logical component, innovative technologies.Abstract
The article outlines the main pedagogicalapproaches to the formation of the logical component of the subject mathematical competence of primary school students. It is noted that the formation and development of the logical component of mathematical competence involves the development of younger students' skills: to analyze, synthesize, compare, generalize, since it is impossible to teach students to reason, put forward a hypothesis, prove it, draw conclusions, if they do not have The above-mentioned mental operations have been formed, which provide a deep and high-quality assimilation of scientific knowledge, create the necessary conditions for the transition to higher levels of development of thinking. The main technologies for the formation of subject mathematical competence of junior schoolchildren, including innovative ones, are characterized. For the successful development of logical thinking of younger students, the teacher should conduct mathematics lessons in such a way that students learn to reason independently, be able to argue, defend their opinions, ask questions, take the initiative to search for information in order to acquire new knowledge. In this regard, it is proposed to streamline the educational tasks with mathematicians that will use innovative technologies. The results of students' educational activities at all stages of mathematical education cannot be limited to knowledge, skills, and abilities – the purpose of studying mathematics in primary school should be formed as a holistic personal education, logical, computational, information-graphic and geometric components of mathematical competence. To develop logical, critical, mathematical thinking in the personality of a junior schoolchild, to form his mathematical competence, to bring up a creative personality capable of applying the acquired mathematical knowledge in real life situations – this is the task of a modern primary school teacher.
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