physical fitness, young women, fitnessAbstract
The article discusses problematic issues related to the preservation and improvement of the health of the country's population. Complex fitness classes can be one of the main ways to solve this problem with women of the first mature age. Evaluation of the results of the implementation of the experimental program based on the comprehensive use of fitness equipment for women of the first mature age was carried out in the process of a pedagogical experiment in accordance with the changes in indicators of physical fitness in comparison with the corresponding changes of representatives of the control group. At the beginning of the pedagogical experiment, a high level and a level above the average were not observed in the women of the experimental group, the average level was determined in 30% of the participants of the experiment, a level below the average in 40% of women, and a low level in 30%. After the implementation of the experimental comprehensive fitness program, the level of physical fitness of women in the experimental group significantly improved: 10% of women reached a high level, 40% had an aboveaverage level, 30% had an average level, and 20% had a below-average level. A low level of physical fitness was not recorded in any woman of the experimental group. The technique used by the women of the control group also contributed to the improvement of physical fitness indicators, but their results were less significant compared to the women of the experimental group. A high level of physical fitness was not found in any of the participants of the control group at the end of the pedagogical experiment. 30% of women achieved a level higher than the average. The average level was observed in 30% of the subjects. 40% of the participants had a level below the average. A low level of physical fitness was not detected. The generalization of the obtained results of the pedagogical experiment states the effectiveness of the implementation of the proposed comprehensive fitness program for women of the first mature age, the result of which was a significant improvement in their physical fitness.
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