stuttering, convulsive speech disorders, speech therapy, speech therapy, logophobia, functional brain asymmetry, central nervous system.Abstract
The article is devoted to the study of periods of intensive speech formation, which are characterized by the appearance of physiological iterations in children with stuttering. The purpose of the article is to describe and highlight the risk factors contributing to the appearance of stuttering: the peculiarities of physiological and speech breathing, which is often superficial or variable in a stressful situation; accompanying movements, which are often violent in nature, and sometimes complicate the condition of children with stuttering; speech tricks: during the chronification of stuttering, almost all children with this disorder use monotonous, repeatedly repeated lexemes in their speech; features of the central nervous system (people with stuttering often have residual organic brain damage that occurs in the prenatal or postnatal periods of development); features of the formation of functional asymmetry of the brain: there are many observations that testify to the close connection of stuttering with left-handedness; neurophysiological reactions: oral speech of adolescents and adults with stuttering is usually accompanied by autonomic reactions. The scientific novelty is that the article describes the role of hormones that occur in children with stuttering during communication. In particular, anxiety or fear leads to the release of stress hormones: cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine. Features of the effect of these hormones on the body and their relationship with stuttering are presented for the first time in domestic speech therapy. The mental side of speech is also described, which during the period of active formation of speech precedes the possibilities of motor realization of speech expression and which is usually the cause of iterations. After all, along with the presence of a high degree of speech motivation, children with stuttering have a pronounced lack of formation of intraspeech programming. Therefore, there is a need to acquaint parents and teachers who raise or teach children with disorders of the tempo-rhythmic organization of speech, with psycholinguistic and psychosocial risk factors that increase convulsive readiness in children of the risk group and contribute to the manifestation and chronicity of stuttering.
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