professional training, students, educational process, training technologies, emotional and volitional stability, stress resistance, value and semantic competence, toleranceAbstract
Today's challenges, along with the threats of the Russian-Ukrainian war, are characterized by unpredictability and a wealth of stressors that affect all areas of life. The education sector is no exception, and it must change its approaches to the organization of professional training for students. Future specialists must be prepared for all the obstacles and challenges of today and most importantly, be able to effectively continue their professional activities. This article is devoted to the process of forming emotional and volitional stability as a leading property of personality and improving value and semantic competence, which ensures the ability of a person to withstand various types of stress, stabilize their own psycho-emotional state and effectively perform activities within the competence. The article conducts a thorough theoretical and methodological analysis of the definition of «emotional and volitional resilience» by comparing the two main complementary definitions of «emotional resilience» and «stress resistance» that underlie it. Given the peculiarities of the formation of emotional and volitional resilience, namely the importance of including the educational environment with consideration of possible patterns of behavior, changes in the established traditional methods of teaching in higher education institutions are required. In order to improve the level of the educational process and improve the professional training of students, we consider it expedient to use the potential of training technologies as a powerful tool for the formation of emotional and volitional stability and value-sense competence of future specialists. In our study, we consider training technologies as an important tool for the formation of practical skills, improvement of social attitudes and personal experience, and deepening of theoretical knowledge in the field of effective interpersonal communication. We consider the use of the potential of training technologies for the formation of emotional and volitional stability and value-sense competence in students to be a necessary component of the educational process of a modern higher education institution. We proceed from the considerations that trainings contribute to more effective learning, help create a motivating and stimulating educational environment in which students can develop their personal and professional qualities, improve their value-sense competence, and will be able to form the necessary practical skills.
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