school, distance learning, integration.Abstract
The article defines the prospects for the use of integration processes in the content of social science disciplines during distance learning. The author used the methods of analysis, synthesis, systematization, generalization, categorical and functional analysis, survey. The study, based on the analysis of a wide range of sources and literature, clarified the concept of integration, which is considered as the regeneration and consolidation of the content of individual didactic units and entire topics of various disciplines, social and natural phenomena into a certain integrity, integration of facts, generalization of ideas, unification of concepts , formation of principles, formulation of laws and theories, which are based on the content of formed subject competencies in the distance learning process. It is proven that since the education system is one of the social institutions, its development is determined by the change in the needs of society, determined by the nature and achievements of scientific, technical and social progress. One of the promising directions of such development is the use of integration processes in the content of social science disciplines during distance learning during which the following occurs: fundamentalization of knowledge, rejection of narrow topics and transition to universalization, to a general perception of the world, strengthening of economic and legal preparation. Integration in distance education is understood as a complex and rich process of forming new subject knowledge, which can be realized in a dialectical unity with an oppositely directed process of differentiation, which manifests itself, first of all, in the emergence of new directions in the same educational field (social sciences) . The integration of the content of interdisciplinary tasks in the process of teaching social science disciplines makes it possible to form a distance learning structure that helps the student develop subject competences, universal knowledge, and the ability to synthesize acquired theoretical knowledge, necessary skills and practical skills.
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