


speech-language pathology, systemic speech disorders, classification, classification criteria, speech disontogenesis, primary and secondary speech disorders, residual and progressive speech disorders.


The article covered the problem of substantiation and modeling of the modern classification of systemic speech disorders. The specified problem has long appeared in speech-language pathology science and practice due to the prevalence of this speech disorders and the high interest of scientists in the problems of studying methods of diagnosis and overcoming of certain types of systemic speech disorders. However, at the same time, there is not integral, complete, generalized classification of these violations to date. This not only negatively affects the formation of holistic scientific ideas about this type of speech disorders, but also brings significant harm to speech-language pathologist’s practice (inaccuracies and non-uniformity of wording of speech-language pathology conclusions regarding systemic speech disorders, lack of differentiated methods of diagnosis and overcoming of closely related disorders, falling out of the field of vision of speech-language pathology of a whole series of systemic speech disorders, which are not considered by it due to their absence they in the official classifications of speech disorders in Ukraine). In view of this, in the presented theoretical research, the taxonomic criteria for the analysis of systemic speech disorders were defined and based on them, a classification of systemic speech disorders was created, which takes into account their disontogenetic, etiological, structural characteristics and reveals the entire breadth of disorders of this group from the standpoint of speech-language pathology, psychology, neuropsychology, neurolinguistics, medicine. The classification presents three groups of systemic speech disorders that reflect three variants of speech disontogenesis: delayed speech development, systemic underdevelopment of speech, and systemic speech disintegration. In each group, disorders are graduated by structure of disorders (primary and secondary) and/or by the nature of organic genesis (residual and progressive). The classification will contribute to the clarification of scientific ideas about systemic speech disorders and their taxonomy, variable diversity, as well as to the normalization of the wording of speech-language pathologist's conclusions in the case of a diagnosis of a systemic speech disorders. And also to the introduction into the circle of scientific interests of speech-language pathology of a whole series of systemic speech disorders that were not previously considered by it as such. We are talking about systemic speech disorders of progressive genesis, in particular, primary progressive aphasia, as well as systemic speech disorders in dementia in persons with Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Pick's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, manganese encephalopathy, schizophrenia, epilepsy, etc.


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