


students of the first and second levels of higher education, continuity, methodical-mathematical disciplines, mathematical and methodical-mathematical competence.


The article reveals the achievements and challenges of today regarding the problem of continuity of methodical and mathematical disciplines of first and second level higher education students in specialty 013 Elementary education. The content of the discipline «Methodology of teaching mathematics in primary school» was analyzed, it is relatively stable and consists of two parts: the question of the general methodology and the question of the partial methodology of mathematics. Thus, changes have been made to the formulation of professional competencies of future teachers and program learning outcomes in the program for this educational discipline, namely the ability to: use regulatory documents regulating the functioning of the primary education system and to implement in practice the goals and objectives of mathematics education field in accordance with the State Standard of Primary Education, to plan, model, design the educational process in primary school based on taking into account individual and age characteristics, educational achievements in the field of mathematics education of primary education students, to choose from among the variable teaching and methodical sets in mathematics the most effective for achieving the goals and objectives of learning in the field of mathematics education, defined by the State Standard of Primary Education and the curriculum in mathematics for students of grades 1–4, etc. The content of the educational component «Modern technologies of teaching mathematics in primary school» consists of two parts: general educational technologies and subject-mathematical technologies of learning in primary school. General educational technologies include: the technology of step-by-step formation of mental actions; the technology of formation of general educational abilities and skills; technology organization of educational interaction between the teacher and students; differentiated learning technology; technology for organizing educational project activities; technology organization of game educational activity. The block of subject-mathematical technologies is represented by: the technology of forming the numbering of integral integral numbers; technology of formation of computing skills of junior high school students; the technology of forming the ability to solve mathematical problems of certain types. The article determined that the continuity between the two mentioned educational components at the bachelor's and master's levels significantly increases the level of professional training of future specialists for successful pedagogical activities in the conditions of the variability of primary education and the changed reality, which should be considered a challenge for Ukrainian educators in general.


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