digitalization, gadgetization, «Diia», «Diia.Education», educational portal.Abstract
The article characterizes the functional potential of the educational platform «Diia. Education», which has become an updated version of the platform «Diia. Digital education». The outlined platform became a standardized logical consequence of the work of scientists, civil servants, IT workers, teachers, trainers, practitioners and interested persons. «Diia.Education» is designed to form the information competence of Ukrainians. It should be noted that humanity’s use of modern information and communication technologies to strengthen the importance of information as a resource for its development and the importance of citizens’ intellectual abilities is indeed an unquestionably significant element. The didactic potential of the outlined platform «Diia.Education» was analyzed due to the presentation of its content. Among them: 1. courses developed by EdEra online education studio with the support of Google, Microsoft, DTEK Academy, UNDP, EGAP, CISCO, Osvitoria and Global Teacher Prize; 2. educational series; 3. guides; 4. simulators; 5. webinars; 6. podcasts. Particular attention is paid to the «Personal learning trajectory» module, which involves individual selection of material according to the wishes of the applicant. Attention was also paid to the bilingual interface of the platform, which simultaneously performs 2 functions: 1 improvement of foreign language competence; 2. expanding the circle of potential users of the platform. Considered the key reason for the popularization of the basic version of the platform – «Diia. Digital Education» – in particular, the coronavirus pandemic, which spread across the territory of our country, became one of such catalysts of gadgetization as such. The main reason for updating the educational platform is also demonstrated – the geopolitical situation in the country, caused by the military actions of the aggressor country, which, in turn, led to a change in demand on the labor market, lack of work. The algorithm of actions on the site for the optimal and most efficient use of the platform is presented. Attention was drawn to the promotion of «Diia.Education» as a technological product abroad, especially in the European Parliament and in the USA. A potential collaboration-partnership with Zambia and Colombia regarding the export of «Diia» is described.
Бондаренко Т. С. Дидактичні умови застосування інтернет-ресурсів в освітньому середовищі закладів загальної середньої освіти : дисертація … доктора філософії зі спеціальності 011 Освітні, педагогічні науки, галузі знань 01 Освіта/Педагогіка. Полтавський національний педагогічний університет імені В. Г. Короленка, МОН України. Полтава, 2023.
Національна освітня платформа з цифрової грамотності «Дія: Цифрова освіта» стартує вже 21 січня. URL : https://thedigital.gov.ua/news/natsionalna-osvitnya-platforma-z-tsifrovoi-gramotnosti-diya-tsifrova-osvita-startue-vzhe-21-sichnya (дата звернення: 04.06.2023).
Українську «Дію» презентували в США. URL : https://it.novyny.live/ ukrayinsku-diiu-prezentuvali-v-ssha-96075.html (дата звернення: 04.06.2023).
Цифрова трансформація і філософія Дії: Михайло Федоров представив у Європарламенті український досвід діджиталізації. Урядовий портал. Єдиний веб-портал органів виконавчої влади України. URL : https://www.kmu.gov.ua/news/tsyfrova-transformatsiia-i-filosofiia-dii-mykhailo-fedorov-predstavyv-u-ievroparlamenti-ukrainskyi-dosvid-didzhytalizatsii (дата звернення: 05.06.2023).