


digital competencies, teachers, development, education, assessment, methods, recommendations, international initiatives, research.


The article examines the problem of the development of digital competences of teachers in the modern educational environment, where digital technologies are becoming an increasingly important element of education. The article analyzes the international regulatory framework, the results of scientific research and the experience of some countries in the implementation of programs for the development of digital skills of teachers. The importance of digital technologies in the pedagogical process is highlighted. The main focus is on the requirements, standards and frameworks that are defined for the assessment and development of digital competences of teachers, as well as on the role of digital technologies in the pedagogical process and their impact on the role of the teacher and the learning process. Attention is focused on the fact that in modern conditions, a teacher must possess not only traditional pedagogical knowledge and skills, but also have a high level of digital competence. A complex of general scientific methods is used in the process of setting the research problem: theoretical: analysis and synthesis in order to determine the main directions of research into the structure of digital competences of the teacher; empirical: the study of scientific works and the legislative framework regarding the structure of the teacher's digital competences; synthesis and systematization of information, etc. As a result of the analysis of recent studies and publications, it has been established that the educational system is undergoing serious changes, and educational institutions are turning into an interactive environment where digital technologies and educational programs are rethinking the role of the teacher and the process of acquiring knowledge. The conclusions of the article emphasize that the development of digital competences of teachers is important for achieving success in the field of education. The digital competence requirements of teachers depend on specific educational programs, but the general requirement is the need for developed digital competence to use digital technologies effectively. To achieve this goal, teachers need support, training, tools and resources. Further research and development in this area will help improve the development of digital competences of teachers and contribute to the achievement of a successful educational process in the modern world.


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