informatics competence, informatics culture, future teacher of labor training, information and communication technologies, educational process.Abstract
In the modern world, where information technologies play an increasingly significant role in various spheres of life, IT competence becomes a key aspect in the formation of the IT culture of future teachers of labor education. This article is devoted to the study of the importance of informatics competence in the training of future teachers of labor education and its influence on the formation of informatics culture. The necessity of integrating computer-oriented technologies into the educational process and the use of modern software in order to improve the quality of education and develop students' creative abilities is emphasized. Informatics competence, which includes knowledge of the basic methods of informatics and information technologies, the ability to use them to solve applied problems, as well as the ability to work with a computer and means of communication, appears to be an important aspect in the professional activity of future teachers of labor education. The article focuses on the need for the formation of information culture among future teachers and the use of information and communication technologies to achieve this goal. It is emphasized that the use of information and communication technologies in education contributes to the implementation of didactic principles, such as multimedia presentation of educational material, individual adjustment of education and the development of socially important qualities of students: activity, independence and communication. It is noted that the rapid technological development and the importance of information technologies pose new challenges to secondary education, especially the formation of the IT culture of future teachers of labor education: the high IT competence of teachers has a decisive influence on the development of information and communication technologies in the educational process; the integration of computer technologies is an important stage for achieving modern goals in the training of students; the use of innovative technologies expands opportunities and promotes the development of students' creative abilities; the implementation of information technologies contributes to the implementation of didactic principles and the development of social qualities of students.
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