


abor training, technologies, self-service skills, self-help skills in everyday life, technologies of household activities.


The article is devoted to the actual problem of practical training of pupils for activities in everyday life. It is noted that a component of the modern education of pupils should be their preparation for independent life. In this aspect, it is important to develop pupils' self-care skills in everyday life. It is noted that the most effective implementation of the mentioned is possible in the lessons of labor training and technologies when pupils study various technologies of household activities. The article defines the main steps for the formation of self-care skills in pupils in labor training classes, which involve consolidating knowledge about the basics of personal hygiene, teaching table setting and proper nutrition, teaching simple household skills, studying the basics of life safety and activities in everyday life. The specifics of the formation of pupils' self-reliance skills in everyday life, which is based on the formation of skills to choose clothes, take care of them, carry out their repair and renewal, cooking skills, skills in the manufacture of sewing products for household and clothing purposes, skills in home hygiene and household organization, are considered. Based on the analysis of pedagogical literature, a conclusion was made regarding a number of methods that will contribute to the effective development of pupils' skills and abilities in the field of household activities. This includes the project method, the dialogue method, the problem-solving method, the method of games and simulations, and the method of research work. Attention is focused on the peculiarities of the organization of pupils' education under the conditions when education takes place in a mixed format.It is noted the need to involve pupils in the framework of technological education in cooking, teaching them simple methods of cleaning residential premises, drawing their attention to the rules of personal hygiene, encouraging children to perform household duties. It is noted that when studying online, pupils get enough freedom to independently complete such tasks. The expediency of using information and communication technologies in the educational process is indicated, because there are many useful tips and video lessons on various spheres of household activities posted on the Internet. Self-care skills will help children not only become independent and self-confident, but also provide them with the ability to more effectively adapt to new situations and challenges in life.


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