


digital educational resource, preparation, competence, digital competence, higher mathematics, future teacher of mathematics, technology, project, electronic manual.


The article draws attention to one of the important components of the process of training future mathematics teachers at a pedagogical university – information and communication, which involves the formation of students' ability to use digital technologies in the educational process and the creation of digital educational resources with the help of various application programs and Internet services. It was recognized that it is expedient, as a need of the hour, to improve the content of the training course «Methodology of teaching mathematics» at the pedagogical university by introducing the module «Creating digital educational resources for teaching mathematics» and developing practical tasks for a group educational project. The technology for creating digital educational resources in the system of training future mathematics teachers is proposed, which consists of the following stages: content-preparatory, structural-technological, content-implementation, test-final. The content-preparatory stage of the proposed technology involves the preparation of content for the electronic manual: text files, presentations, videos, audio files, infographics, the content of which reflects the disclosure of the topic of the educational discipline. The structural and technological stage of the technology involves the detailed design of the structure of the electronic manual (number of pages, navigation between pages, design of the main page and other pages). The content implementation stage involves placing content on the pages of the electronic manual (texts, graphics, links to files, etc.). The test and final stage involves testing the electronic manual in viewing mode through Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Microsoft Edge browsers, saving the website in the required format, correcting the content on the pages, etc. Using the example of the project to create the electronic guide «Higher Mathematics» as a digital educational resource for students of the VSP «Specialized College of Management, Economics and Law of the Poltava State Agrarian University», the students of the Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University clarified the capabilities of the Microsoft Front Page program integrate with modern browsers and Internet services. The didactic functions performed by the «Higher Mathematics» electronic manual are indicated: stimulating-motivational, cognitive-informational and control-corrective.


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