


poltern, battarism, stuttering, clattering, non-convulsive speech disorders, speech therapy.


The article is devoted to the study of clattering and its difference from stuttering. Until recently, clattering was considered a manifestation of neurotic stuttering. Even today, clattering is considered a little-studied violation and is the subject of international scientific discussions. The publication outlines the history of the study of clattering, typical signs, causes, speech and non-speech symptoms of the disorder. The types of clattering are presented, the differences between clattering and stuttering are described. Methods of diagnosing this speech disorder and the basic directions of corrective work are outlined. Currently, intensive research is ongoing in the field of differential study of speech disorders of non-convulsive and convulsive nature of tempo, rhythm and fluency. In domestic speech therapy, such disorders as tachylalia, bradylalia, and stuttering are usually attributed to disorders of tempo, rhythm, and fluency of speech. Abroad, clattering is also considered a violation of the tempo-rhythmic organization of speech. There are also many «white spots» in understanding the mechanism of this speech disorder. It is believed that clattering is part of the general disorganization of psychomotor development – motor activity, behavioral sphere, speech communication. This indicates a violation of the activity of the striopallidary system and the regulatory influence of the cortical divisions of the central nervous system. It is most often diagnosed in boys aged 7-8 years, sometimes in several generations of the same family. If the disorder is detected early enough, the speech prognosis is generally favorable. Corrective work for clattering is carried out by a speech therapist in several directions: normalization of the pace of speech, improvement of speech skills and improvement of articulatory motility. Since cluttering is a communication disorder, it negatively affects the quality of communication with others, the academic success of people with cluttering, and the choice of a profession. A person with clattering cannot determine by ear when speaking whether he is speaking correctly or not, therefore both children and adults are not aware of their speech disorder, which complicates diagnosis.


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